Principal Investigator
Janet Franklin, PI
Ph.D. (1988) UCSB
Janet's research interests and links to her publications are here
Janet's CV is here
Janet's biographical sketch
e-mail: jfranklin2<at>sdsu<dot>edu
Current Lab Members
Brooke Rose
Ph.D 2023
Research Interests: Landscape ecology, geospatial analytics, global change ecology
E-mail: mrose04<at>
Recent Lab Alums
Mystyn Mills
Ph.D. (2017-2022)
Assistant Professor Cal State Long Beach
Research Interests: Behavioral Landscape ecology, conservation and restoration, working landscapes and zoochorous interactions
E-mail: Mystyn.Mills<at>
Santiago J.E. Velazco
Post-doc 2021-22
Research Interests: Conservation biology, endangered species, species distribution modeling
E-mail: santiagv<at>
Follow Santiago on TWITTER
Dr. Andrade is a landscape and urban ecologist and a geographer.
Dr. Inman is a conservation biogeographer and spatial ecologist.
A publication from Rich's dissertation
E-mail: rdinman<at>
G.A. (Andrew) Fricker, Ph.D.
Post-doc 2015-2018
Assistant Professor
Cal Poly S.L.O.
Dr. Fricker’s research interests include spatial ecology, forest community ecology, environmental modeling, active remote sensing (LiDAR) & imaging spectroscopy.
JM "Pep" Serra-Diaz, Ph.D.
Post-doc 2013-2015
Assistant Professor
AgroParis Tech, FR
Dr. Serra-Diaz’s research interests include landscape and spatial ecology and climate change biology.